Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Air Forced Diet

I recently joined the Air Force and with comes the task of getting into shape. I've never been one to eat many fruits and very rarely would I even touch a vegetable but in order to survive boot camp, I have to make some major changes with my diet. When I get to boot camp, there won't be sweets (well, there will be plenty of sweets there but it would be pretty hard to get away with eating them without being saddled with an extra 20 pushups). So, in order to prepare my sugar-filled body to go 2 months without cookies or ice cream, I'm slowly replacing those delicious foods with the dreaded green stuff. I need to be able to pack a huge amount of nutrients into as little foods as possible because meals happen fast at boot camp.
Now, I wouldn't call what I'm doing a "diet". I hate that word. It just sounds terrible. No. What I'm doing is just what I should have done a long time ago.. what everyone should do. Instead of reaching for a BigMac, I'm opting for a spinach salad and grilled chicken. And now, being on campus and having a huge salad bar to available, I don't have an excuse not to eat it. It's right there, every meal. In the past, I wouldn't eat healthy because that means spending more money. When I was in my own apartment spending my own money on food, I wasn't about to shell out extra cash to eat healthy. But here in campus center the food is already paid for so I might as well take advantage of it. No excuses!

"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." -Doug Larson

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