Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why Do I Eat What I Eat?

I think the main reason I eat the food that I do stems from my childhood. I was the youngest of three children and the only girl so I got to eat whatever my little heart desired. If I wanted ice cream before dinner, I got ice cream before dinner. If I wanted candy for breakfast, I got candy for breakfast. As a child, I had a terrible diet and even as an adult, I still have trouble choosing healthy food over junk... and I blame my parents. :) Also, the other reason I eat what I eat is because I have an issue with textures. If a food feels weird, I don't eat it. Bananas, pudding, jello, peaches, oranges, mushrooms, strawberries... they all gross me out. I just don't like the way they feel in my mouth and even writing about them is making me cringe. Throughout my life, I haven't had much variety in my diet. I'm content eating the same thing day after day. Lately, however, I've tried to branch out a eat more things... but I just don't think I'll ever get over my texture issue.

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